Male Enhancement is Lies and Bullshit!

Male Enhancment is Lies and Bullshit!

98% of Male Enhancement products are Pure Bullshit!

This really pisses me off.  Why is it so tough to find natural products that can really help you solve ED, or any other sexual problem?

It is tough because the whole Male Enhancement industry is built on overstatement, hype, and outright lies and bullshit.

I have read over 1,000 scientific studies and tested dozens of supplements on myself.  My commitment was Fucking Absolute to find a solution and fix ED myself.

The promise put forward by companies in the Male Enhancement (or ME) marketplace is that they can solve your problem.

They can’t.  They don’t even really give a shit about anything but hyping their stuff and taking your money.

I found proven solutions to almost all of the most painful, and common, sex problems men have.  I just wish it had been easier.  It’s really fucked up that the very industry that claims to help fix sex problems just confuses you.

It pushed me to find my own solutions.  At least I found them.

Finding useful supplements awash in the sea of marketing hype is almost impossible. Many supplements are filled with questionable ingredients. Some ME supplements even have ED drug derivatives added illegally because all those herbs don’t do shit.

The problem is bigger than just rampant marketing hype.

The Hype and bullshit is multiple layers deep.  Each layer requires you to step back and find more clarity.  You need to hone your own bullshit detector. I did.

Let’s take a look at the layers of crap you need to penetrate to find some facts and truth buried in the Male Enhancement industry.  The sad part is that men REALLY need help in many of these areas, but the bullshit layers make it almost impossible.

There is REAL, and proven, science to back up supplements that improve different aspects of male sexual function. Most ME supplements don’t even include these supplements, or they don’t include enough of those supplement to be effective.

ME manufacturers often put 1/10th or 1/100th the amount needed to actually do anything.  They then quote the scientific study with the larger amount. You can’t put one tenth of the amount proven in a scientific study and make the claim your ME supplement fucking works.  This is done over and over again by shady ME manufacturers and marketers.  It’s pure BULLSHIT!

Do you really want to trust Ron Jeremy with your sexual future, your marriage, and your masculine confidence?  I certainly don’t.

In 2015 the FDA sent out 55 public warnings about ‘natural’ Male Enhancement products.  All of these products were tested in labs.  The FDA found hidden drug ingredients in them. 

This means that sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis), or some other chemical cousin was in the pill illegally.  These companies claim to be natural and then just pack their supplements with potentially dangerous drugs in amounts that can hurt you.

Why would any sane man or woman trust their sexual well being and health to these liars?  It is beyond my why anyone trusts ANY company in this industry.

The ME industry does not deserve your fucking trust.  If there is a supplement that actually makes reasonable claims AND includes enough proven ingredients to be effective I have not found it!  These companies prey on the desperation of men who don’t know what to do.

ME companies bank on your fears, your shame, and your desperation to drive sales.

I would love to see a company actually build trust and respectability.  This company would shine far and above the rest simply by being honest and authentic with their customers.

Here are just a few of the layers of bullshit YOU need to wade through to try and find real, proven ways to get help with your sexual problems.

Bullshit Layer #1:  Vague and meaningless claims from the manufacturer and marketers

Vague and meaningless benefits are at the core of what is wrong here.  These are actual phrases used on ME supplements on the market right now.

‘Powerful male enhancement’                                 So vague it means nothing at all

‘Enhanced performance’                              Again, vague hot air

Maximize a man’s sexual potential’      Yep, still vague and meaningless

‘Heighten arousal’                                          Not something science actually measures

‘Regain confidence’                                       Not possible if the supplements don’t do anything

‘Maintain critical blood flow’                     Might help, but often not measured by scientists.

… and of course my favorite outright LIE that some ME marketers tell you…

Increase your penis size up to 3 inches…’           No supplement is proven to do this… NONE!

The penis size claim has resulted in multiple cases of fraud, and millions of dollars in penalties.

Cutting through this bullshit layer means understanding what can actually be measured by science, and what is so vague it has ZERO real meaning.

What can be measured?

  • Hardness or erectile quality
  • Sexual desire as a relative improvement
  • Overall sexual satisfaction
  • The ability to last longer after penetration

These are a few things that science can measure when testing supplements for their potential to help you. Your sexual future is too important to get suckered by these vague and meaningless bullshit claims.

Libido and hardness are different. Rarely does one supplement help with both in a measurable amount.

If you want to boost libido, then boost libido.

If you want to Get Hard then focus on solutions PROVEN to improve hardness. It is that fucking simple.

Bullshit Layer #2: Claims of proven results backed by science

98% of the products marketed for Male Enhancement have either no science or science paid for by the manufacturer.  Unbiased third party science is almost non-existent. The only way to see through this layer of bullshit is to find and read the actual science from beginning to end. 

This can take some real work. When I began searching for ED solutions I went back and reviewed statistics, medical jargon, and a whole host of other missing pieces in my knowledge base.

A simple abstract is not good enough.  Abstracts often overstate the results of the study. If the study is funded by the manufacturer it could be biased, not always, but it could be.

Did you know that Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) has been shown to help improve erectile quality? 

It took almost 3 GRAMS of the product to get this result.  Good luck finding a capsule or two with more than 300mg of KRG in it.  It is a misleading shell game to claim their supplement can do what the study shows and then put in 1/10th the amount the study used to get that effect.  Bullshit!

If you don’t take enough of the right supplement it won’t work.

If you don’t find the science you don’t really know if it will work, and if it’s safe.

If you don’t take the right part of the plant (leaf, root, berry, etc.) it won’t work.

If you don’t take a potent, standardized supplement with enough of the active ingredient it… it probably will not work for you, period.

Bullshit Layer #3: User reviews

It is common practice on Amazon and other sites to give away free samples in exchange for a favorable review.  I wish that user reviews were more reliable.  When science is lacking it would be useful to read 100 reviews and learn something about common experience.

The way to see through this layer of bullshit is a bit more complicated.  First, you can often find reviewers willing to say they were given a free sample.  They will sometimes admit to being paid in free product for a 5 star review.  On Amazon you can actually look up all the reviews by a given reviewer.  If they only have a list of 5 star reviews then they are likely just paid shills for a marketing company.

If the only real evidence for a supplements effectiveness is ZERO science, and a long list of mostly 5 star reviews it’s probably Bullshit!

Don’t be fooled.

Bullshit Layer #4: "Review" sites that are paid shills that MAKE MONEY by reviwing/recommending ME products.

Some science is bullshit.  Some reviews are bullshit. What about these ‘independent’ reviewers claiming they have taken the supplement and can help guide us toward the best products.


These people are just another layer of bullshit. Finding and independent, unbiased review of male enhancement products is almost impossible.  I know.  I looked for them.

Just Google ‘male enhancement’ and check out the leading ‘review’ sites.

‘Rated #1’ does not mean that product is ‘the best’.  It simply means that is the one they make the most profit from endorsing.  These review sites are pathetic because they pretend to be actually reviewing something.

‘Un-baised Reviews’… BULLSHIT!

To see through this layer of bullshit do the following:

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘FTC disclosure’ or ‘Disclosure’ or ‘Disclaimer’.  The last website above has the ‘Disclaimer of Endorsement’ on their ‘Terms of Service’ page. It’s always there. You just have to understand how to find it.

The FTC, or Federal Trade Commission, oversees a set of laws designed to help protect consumers from being duped and defrauded by marketers. By law if a site is making money from its ‘reviews’ it MUST declare this.

Any website that makes money by recommending a product IS REQUIRED BY LAW to tell you::

The four review sites linked above, and many more, are FOR PROFIT websites.  Their main function is simply to convince you to click through and buy something. CHA-CHING, then they make money.

No actual review is happening here.  Do not be fooled. If they make money from representing a product they are, in effect, an advertiser, and not an ‘unbiased’ reviewer.

These review sites GET PAID to right positive, five star reviews… plain and simple.  Why would you trust any of these sites to give you an impartial review?  That is not what is happening, and the sooner you see that the better your bullshit detector is functioning.

Sites where reviews seem to explain something and offer 3, 4, or 5 star reviews are just fluffing the products they make money from.  Go ahead, click on the link to the main site selling the supplement.  These reviewers are heavily biased to make supplements sound better than they actually are. I have yet to find a single ‘review’ site focused on male sexual enhancement that is worth trusting… NOT ONE!

The closest thing to an unbiased review of some supplements can be found here:

Of course, the recommendations I make in Get Hard all based on hard science (pun intended). I also make NO MONEY from recommending any supplements.  I just care about telling you what is proven to work.

OK, those are the four thickest and most obvious layers of bullshit that you need to penetrate to try and find products that might actually help you with your sexual problem.  It’s tough. It can be exhausting and discouraging.

I look for SCIENCE first, not reviews, and not marketing hype.


What is Male Enhancement anyway?

I understand how to boost testosterone, or boost libido.  These are more specific, and functional, goals.  Male Enhancement means enhancing what? …  Maleness?  The term Male Enhancement is so general that it is virtually meaningless. 

Would you buy a product claiming Person Enhancement?  I don’t think so.

Male enhancement is not a goal.  It is not something you can make happen by pursuing it at such a macro level.  You don’t shop for ‘food’. You shop for specific items that are food.

You need to drill down to boosting (or balancing) a more specific portion of human physiology or performance that is actually measurable. 

If you can’t measure it you can’t know if what you are taking is actually doing anything.

I am going to repeat that.

If you can’t measure it you can’t know if what you are taking is actually doing anything.

Hype goes up when science is weak, or nonexistent.

Male Enhancement seems to include many of these more focused benefits.

  1. Boosting libido (countering low sexual desire)
  2. Penis Enhancement (countering ‘small’ dick fears)
  3. Boosting erectile quality (countering Erectile Dysfunction)
  4. Increasing sexual stamina (countering Premature Ejaculation)
  5. Boosting testosterone ($1.6B market)
  6. Improving blood flow (theoretically to your cock)
  7. Prostate Health (reducing inflammation or some specific biomarker)
  8. Boosting confidence (a secondary effect of one or more other problems being improved)
  9. Boosting motivation, attraction, and other soft psych terms (again, secondary)
  10. More energy (both physical and mental)


The Truth about Male Enhancement

The only real way to find natural supplements and exercises that improve sexual function is to find science showing specific, measurable improvement for a specific sexual problem.

Erectile Dysfunction is largely reversible, but you can’t fix it by Enhancing Maleness.

Premature Ejaculation is largely reversible.

Sexual Desire, or Libido, can be dramatically improved.

Testosterone is more properly the thing to enhance to ‘feel more male’. Oh, and that actually means boosting Total T, Free T, and usually lowering Estrogen.

Fix all of the above and your natural, masculine confidence will improve also.

Taking a supplement that boosts libido, may not help ED or PE.  They are different biochemical pathways in your body.  Yes, they are related, but they are not the same thing.

You need to pursue specific supplements and exercises with science to back them up.  Don’t fall for the unproven claims of the Male Enhancement industry that is packed with untrustworthy and often fraudulent companies to solve your problems.