ED and Real Masculine Confidence

ED and Real Masculine Confidence

Real Masculine Confidence is your birth right!

… and suffering with ED is a soul crushing confidence destroyer.

What I am calling Real Masculine Confidence is your MOJO, your masculine power, your desire to persevere and chase your dreams.  Every man has tasted it, but men with ED often lose it.

The amount of pissing and moaning that men do today is fucking pathetic.

When I started researching my ancestors the stories I found were a fucking eye opener.  My ancestors, quite literally, carved their lives out of the wilderness.

Many of them came to the East Coast of the U.S. from Europe with little or nothing. They often moved West and created work from nothing.  They cleared land and built their own homes from scratch.

They faced hostile natives as they moved West… some of them married Native American women.

My ancestors struggled, and survived, and often prospered in conditions that most of us today would find incredibly tough.

What I am calling Real Masculine Confidence is the juice that drove these men.  It lives in your heart and in your gut.  It is in your DNA. A man with this kind of confidence faces challenges and just leans into them.  He takes risks to better himself, his family, and his business.

Here in the United States we often remember the Founding Fathers.  These men pushed and fought for everything.  They started businesses.  They cleared land. They survived, and worked in ways we can only tell stories about.  Remember your own ancestors. Do you have stories like mine?

Have you heard tales of your ancestors that point to this kind of raw confidence?

Every great thing that men have achieved was fueled by this raw, masculine source of power.

It drives every great thing that men create...  Every single thing.  This continent was built from the ground up. Real Masculine Confidence drives every achievement and success. Every man knows the tales of men who did great things. Today, we call these men…  HEROES!!!

This same power drives men to date.  It drives men to seek a partner and mate.  It drives MEN to work hard to take care of their family. It drives MEN to fulfill their goals and dreams.

Your life is fueled by this raw, masculine power whether you know it or not.

I don’t want to downplay the role women have played, but culturally for thousands of years, men have been the drivers that have built commerce, cities, invented things, and pushed to place men from earth on the moon.

Real Masculine Confidence IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT

The most common symbol for a man is the Mars symbol. It is a circle with an arrow pointing upward.  It’s a man (the circle) with a hard cock, plain and simple.

Now, for the bad news…

ED Destroys Men’s Confidence

It flushes all that raw, masculine power right down the toilet.  It sucks the life out you.  It crushes your dreams and makes you want to sell out and compromise your goals.

It leads many men to depression, anxiety, and even considerations of suicide!!!

Your cock is at the center, both literally and figuratively, of what it means to be a man, a real man.

A man with power and passion. 

A man with the confidence to pursue his dreams and goals NO MATTER WHAT.

A man who leans into problems, seeks out solutions, and fucking solves them.

A man with the confidence to pursue hot, attractive women.

A man with the confidence to initiate sex and intimacy with passion and MOJO.

All of this is normal in a healthy, confident man.

ED rips all this away.  It robs you of the very essence that makes you a man.

Being able to achieve a hard, reliable erection is at the core of masculine power.  It is intrinsic to a man truly feeling like a man.

Seriously, when you are a limp-dicked half-man do you see yourself as equal to other men?


Do you put the same passion into your relationships?

Fuck No.

Do you put the same passion into your work?

Not a chance.

You let things slide. You don’t initiate sex. You don’t initiate intimacy for the fear it brings up that you can’t perform when the time comes. You don’t ask hot women out on dates.

You don’t pursue a raise, or a promotion with the same vigor.

Be honest with yourself.  When ED settles in you are settling for being a limp-dicked half-man.

I am being brutally honest to help you see, and feel, the true costs of not fixing Erectile Dysfunction.

Men who suffer with ED often suffer with anxiety, depression, low self esteem, and even have suicidal thoughts and feelings. 


Men have even committed suicide when they thought ED would never end

This is a fucking tragedy.

When your masculine power is gone it is devastating.  Men struggle to find their footing in this new reality.

All this is made worse because you don’t know who to talk to about it.  You can’t talk to your men friends for fear of being seen as less than.

You may talk to your partner, but that may also be incredibly frustrating.  The shame and doubt that take hold is soul crushing.

If you want some science you can find it here:


Failure in bed leads most men to see themselves as failures in other areas of life, at work, in pursuit of dreams and goals, and in simply being a proud, confident, masculine man. The secret shame eats away at the character of a man.

Men with ED tend to feel isolated and alone.  ‘A man among men’… um, not anymore.

No matter how you try to disguise it you know you don’t measure up against other men. You view yourself as some damaged, half-man.

Are you going to give your best to your woman or your job? Do you feel equal to the men around you? Can you compete and go after what you want with real masculine power and confidence?...  I doubt it.

If you find the confidence to date you will probably accept less desirable women because you know you are compromised on the dating market.

Men with ED often imagine the future failure sexually and don’t initiate intimacy, flirt, hug, or instigate sex.  This fear of failure is crushing all the things that make a man proud to be a man.

You have probably felt hopeless if you tried ED drugs and they did not work.

Decreased ‘Quality of Life’

Men who suffer with ED regularly score lower on questionnaires about their overall well being. ED affects everything about how a man thinks and feels about himself.

“Quality of Life is defined as the perception of a person’s life in the cultural and value systems in which he or she lives in regards to his or her goals, expectations and standards. Quality of Life is one’s ability to enjoy normal life activities.”

Normal Life Activities… this means sex, intimacy, passion, playful ramblings in the sheets with a partner, and everything else.

“ED is associated with many psychosocial problems such as decreased Quality of Life, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and marital tension.”

FUCK ME. What man wants to accept that for the rest of his life?

“Satisfaction in sexual life has been shown to affect overall satisfaction in life.”

This is a no-brainer. Be honest with yourself. Crappy sex life, or no sex life = crappy life

Erectile Dysfunction and Quality of Life

 “Subjects with ED had significantly lower quality of life scores. ED was associated with poorer social interaction, decreased emotional well-being, more role limitations due to emotional problems, and poorer social function.”


like I said before… limp-dicked half man.

These are not terms I want applied to me as a man. How about you?

These are sanitized psychiatric terms guys.  Just look at some online forums where men write how they are feeling about ED. Shame, deep anxiety, depression, and even suicide show up regularly.

 This is core stuff. A man NEEDS to feel like a man, and getting a decent quality erection is critical.

ED practically guarantees you suffer with Performance Anxiety. Anxiety impairs arousal and desire chemistry in your body.

Most men have felt this kind of anxiety, but living with ED means your doubts about performance practically cut off the whole arousal process before it ever gets started.

ED = more anxiety = less desire = short circuiting arousal = weaker erections

ED means you already have a weak erection. The additional anxiety just makes this worse.

Fixing your own ED problem is CRITICAL to rebuilding the sexual confidence you want, and need to be a whole, confident man.

Confidence is often rated as the #1 quality that women seek in a man.  It is one of the core attractors in relationship.  Without it your dating and relationship chances are fucked.

ED and Your Business / Career

This one may not be obvious, but men with ED MAKE LESS money and are less productive at work.

Here is some science to show you what I mean:

ED affects not only the relationship with his partner but may also affect how the man interacts with friends and co-workers. A man may lose his confidence, his enjoyment in life, and morale. Outwardly, a man might project a macho image but inside may not feel like he measures up. (Tomlinson & Wright, 2004).

Productivity at work can also decrease because of lack of self-esteem and confidence. The co-worker/social relationship can change based upon the attitude of each person and how each deals with the issue. Because ED is not discussed openly, a man may feel isolated and alone.

From another perspective, difficulties at work can factor into problems with ED. Most men view their careers as the center of their lives. When an unfavorable or difficult situation affects their careers, a man may see himself as a failure. Not moving up the chain of command, becoming financially sound, or getting the respect of peers can affect a man's sex life. Any monetary setback can affect a man's self-worth because today's society views that as a measure of success. If a man is not performing well at work, he may find it difficult to perform well in the bedroom (Jack, 2005)

Psychosocial and relationship issues in men with ED

Men with ED are less competitive.  They don’t try as hard at work. Whether you are conscious of it or not some part of you sees other men as better.  Men who can’t sexually satisfy a woman are not whole men.  This has been true for thousands of years.  We may talk about it less today, and have more empathy for the suffering that men go through, but the facts remain the same.

Men who can’t sexually satisfy a woman are less than.

This wounded sense of masculinity permeates everything.  It is not just about fucking, or not fucking. 

Most men feel their career is core to their sense of identity. Not having the same passion and vitality to pursue that career wounds their sense of who they think they are.

OK, enough of this depressing crap.

Men who fix their own ED get their MOJO back!

You are not defined by your health challenges. You are much more than that. Every man has the ability to take a problem by the horns, and start to solve that problem. I am here to help you do that.

ED is destroying men’s lives and is something most of you can reverse if you do the right things. For 80-90% of you ED is something you can fix.

Don’t be the kind of man that simply gives up on ever having great sex again.

The Buddha said, "A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle".

Self mastery is its own reward.

Solving your own problem is its own FUCKING REWARD (literally).

Remember those ancestors who carved their lives out of the wilderness and tamed a continent?

That same essence is alive in you right now… and it needs your help to become an unstoppable power in your life. To bring even a tenth of that masculine drive and energy to your life, your health, your relationships, and your dreams and goals a MAN MUST BE MADE WHOLE.

Taking on ED and conquering it is one of the most powerful things I have done in my life

I shouted, “FUCK YEAH!” over and over.  I could not hold it inside.

I felt the devastation. I thought I might never have sex again. FUCK THAT!

Sex, and love and intimacy are too important to miss out on.

Your Real Masculine Confidence is something you can rebuild.  It needs to be protected, and nurtured.

Regaining a hard, reliable cock feels unbelievably powerful.  I cried the first time I got a great hard-on after I did all the right stuff you are about to learn. I imagined never having sex again. I imagined never dating again. I imagined being fucking alone for the rest of my life.  The future looked dismal, cold and pathetic to me.

This is what motivated me to search for science backed solutions and fix my own problem. I vanquished ED. Now, you can do the same.