True Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

True Causes vs Risk Factors

I wrote another post to teach you the difference between True Causes and Risk Factors.

True Causes vs Risk Factors

The True Causes of ED are actually pretty limited.  These facts are a challenge to learn when you peruse medical websites because they tend to focus on risk factors.  Diabetes is a risk factor.  Heart Disease is a risk factor.

Blood not flowing to your cock is a True Cause.  It is the single most common cause. For 70% of men this is the first place to look.

For about 15% of men ED is primarily caused by one of the following:

  1. Prescription drugs
    1. Diuretics and blood pressure drugs
    2. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and antiepileptic drugs
    3. Antihistamines
    4. Parkinson’s drugs
    5. Anti-arrythmics
    6. NSAIDS
    7. Muscle relaxants
    8. Prostate cancer drugs
  2. Other drugs
    1. Alcohol
    2. Amphetamines
    3. Barbiturates
    4. Cocaine
    5. Marijuana
    6. Methadone
    7. Nicotine
    8. Opiates
  3. Surgery around the base of your cock (re: prostate)
  4. Chemo or radiation treatments in the same area
  5. Nerve damage or a chronic nervous system disease

If you are regularly taking any of the above drugs you know it. If you had prostate surgery you know it. If you have a serious, chronic nerve disability you probably know it.

If you can rule out any of the above then you are left with:

  • blood flow problems (70%)
  • psychogenic ED (15%)

The True Causes of Erectile Dysfunction are not that complicated.

How to Determine if your ED is primarily Psychogenic

If your ED is situational AND you have night time erections then your ED is probably psychogenic.  If you get night time or early morning erections with some regularity then you can safely rule out blood flow problems as the PRIMARY cause of your ED.

If you can Get Hard while watching porn, but not when making out with an attractive woman then blood flow is not your PRIMARY cause of ED.

Men can have multiple causes of ED. If you think your ED is psychogenic it may be related to 1) depression, 2) anxiety, or 3) performance anxiety.

I will write a future post addressing Psychogenic ED in more detail.



The Other 70%

For everybody else…

  1. My ED is not drug or surgery related.
  2. My ED is not primarily psychogenic.

This means your ED is most likely a blood flow problem.

This was my issue.

This is why I spent HUNDREDS of hours researching and guinea-pigging myself with supplements and exercises.  I wanted to not only find science for things that worked.  I also wanted to test everything on myself to see what made the biggest difference.

This is what the Get Hard Course was created for… to teach you what I learned, what works, and what has solid science to back it up.